Each journey begins with one step...
...then two, and three... three oil paintings have been completed amongts many projects. Those are built on simple metaphors. Simple, yet with some resounding aspects, speaking about our lives and minds. A single pebble thrown into a still lake generates many ripples.
The first canvas is "The River of Joy", a metaphor about life's journey, ending with a happy reuniting.
Then we have "All Gold in the World", a metaphor about true treasures. Where your treasure is, there will also be your heart. Lastly "Anima Mundi", the true origin of earthly things is hidden into deep unfathomable blue.
I'm currently working on other paintings, one about liberty, another about inspiration. More than fifteen others are waiting for color to come to life.
All three works have been added to section Surrealist Paintings
These original creations are available for sale, as well as a very limited series of giclee editions, printed on canvas. Feel free to ask for details.
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