
Musa - The Unutterable decrees

Metaphorical Realism

"Musa" is sending a gentle stream of new ideas to the world!


The painting has been finished for a while now, it's not so easy to find a good technician to work on imaging and reproducing of the works. But now it has been done and well done, giving a pretty good idea of what the canvas actually looks like in real.


You will notice that the Muse is writting onto  her long undulating parchment whereas the water drops fall right onto it. The parchment itself is like an undulating water surface, and metaphoricaly draws down the greek letters into the flowing water. Then we see that some signs, like echo ripples in the water, are begining their long way toward the valleys and plains. The short text itself is a sentence from Plato's Myth of the Cave.


The original is available for sale here

as well as a limited numbered series of 35 signed giclee prints on Fine art paper.


Other Metaphorical Realist paintings are right there.




 Metaphorical realism surrealism - Oil painting - Réalisme métaphorique - Agni-Yoga
"Musa - The Unutterable decrees" - 81 x 60 cm, on linen canvas.

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