More than stone and rocks!
There is more to Earth than just stones and rocks. The artist is actually working on this painting called: "A Geological Novel".
Some details were already given regarding this painting, let's
ad a little more here. A few living things are to be figured on the canvas, plants and animals. At the same time the geological "registers" bear witness of the past lives of these living beings
under the appearence of fossils from the distant past. Let's think: what did remain unchanged? What did evolve through the countless millenias, and why? We see the evolution is one whole, moving
forward as one as suggested by the clouds ressembling giant fossil ammonites. And hooo yes, there's a snake! The symbol of the snake has been given bad reputation but this is a fairly late change
introduced by the catholic church. Nothing bad and evil in the ancient times about snakes though. Wise people where even called "snakes", because symbolicaly, just like snakes, they could stare
at the sun without blinking or become blind. There is much confusion about the world "Naga" which means snake in India, when it was attributed to people. The folklore begun to figure some kind of
odd looking an frightening giant men snakes! But symbols need to be understood properly.
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